Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tweeting Towards Oblivion

October 27, 2009
"You're going to what?"
"Tweet. Or twit. Or twitterize....whatever the hell they call it. I assume once you have finished, you can say you have tweeted or twitted. I'm guessing you don't say you have just twat."
"No, I don't think I could talk to you anymore if you said you just twat."
"I really can't blame you there."
"Are you doing this? Or is Sheldon doing this?"
"Well, I'm doing it, but of course, I'll be doing it as Sheldon. It's just like the blog."
"Oh, I see. But it will be Sheldon, though."
"Yeah. It will be Sheldon's Twitters. Or tweets. I'm still not sure on the phraseology."
"Well, that's probably for the best."
"What does that mean?"
"Well, don't take this the wrong way, sport, but I'm pretty sure no one cares what you are doing. I don't care if it's only 140 letters or not."
"Wow. That's kind of harsh."
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just mean, you're not that exciting. Sheldon - well, Sheldon is exciting. Sheldon is fun. You...well....you're just you."
"I think I see what you mean. I'm guessing no one really cares if I hit every green light on the way to work."
"Exactly. Sheldon having a bowl of that chocolate-flavored Special K. That's worth a tweet. Or twit."
"Yeah. What's up with that Special K, anyway? I kind of like it, but that chocolate is just odd. "
"Really? I haven't tried it yet."
"It's not chocolate sprinkles. It's like SHARDS of chocolate. Only, it's not real chocoloate,  it's shards of fake chocolate, which makes some kind sense, I suppose. I mean, eating a bowlfull of chocolate shards is probably not that healthy."
"Probably not."

"I gotta think a bowlfull of chocolate shards is probably going to negate the K. Make it a little less special."
"I think eating a bowfull of any kind of shards is probably not that healthy."
"You may be on to something."
"So how many people are reading your twits?"
"Yeah, currently."
"Well, I just started."
"Still, it's just...Why are you following LL Cool J?"
"I'm not. He was kind of assigned to me when I signed up. He must be like that Tom guy when you sign up for My Space."
"Seriously, who's interested in what LL Cool J has to say?"
"Apparently, quite a few."
"Who are you following?"
"Stephen Colbert & The Squirrel."
"They're both funny. Much funnier than you."
"Please, tell me something I don't know.  You know who I would like to follow?
"Ton-Loc. I'd follow him."
"That would be cool. I'd be willing to hear what Ton-Loc has to say. More so than LL Cool J. Might be able to finally get the recipe for Funky Cold Medina."
"I know. That's what I'm after. My last two batches were neither funky nor cold."
"Tell me about it."
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing. I'm just saying."
"You are a hard person to figure out."
"That's what makes me me."

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